Snow bucket
Snow buckets are used for collecting and transporting big volumes of snow. It is one of the simplest snow attachments and doesn’t include any electric or hydraulic parts. It means that snow buckets are easy to use and don’t require any complex maintenance.
Also, in addition to pushing snow, these buckets move other materials, for example, wood or mulch, which makes them multifunctional.
Snow pusher
The main job of snow pushers, as you can probably guess from its name, is to push snow straight forward. The width of such an attachment can be different. Depending on your space, you can choose the one which will work the best for you.
Remember, the wider the pusher is the less maneuverable it gets. Also, if you experience a ‘Siberian level’ of snow, not all snow pushers can handle it. Another thing you should consider is that this attachment cannot load or lift, it only pushes.

Snow blade or snow plow
Snow blades or snow plows are designed to remove snow, and stack it in high, no matter what kind of terraces there are on. In addition, there’s a specialized type of snow blade called a V-shaped snow blade. It is used for working on hard surfaces and open areas.
Snow blower
The job that a snow blower attachment does is throwing snow from one location to another. What is the difference between snow plow and a snow blower then? Snow plow pushes snow to the front or side, while snow blowers can move it to any location or into a truck. Snow blowers are extremely helpful when it comes to cleaning parking lots, roads and sidewalks.
At WEITAI, we offer a wide range of snow and ice removal attachments, such as snow plows, deicers, snow buckets and blowers. If you’re looking for a high quality affordable skid loader attachment, please message us, and we will offer you the best solution for snow and ice removal tasks.